About Vishrant

“A lot of people think that spirituality is some fluffy thing that’s kind of esoteric and not real, but most people live in dreams not realising that their dream itself is not real.”

About Vishrant 1 - Vishrant


Vishrant is a reality teacher from Perth, Western Australia. He is a contemporary mystic who offers a pragmatic path to higher consciousness.

Vishrant’s approach deals with the mind and the heart at the same time.

He teaches the way of the heart, to serve others, which eventually diminishes the ego and helps you experience love. He also teaches witnessing the mind so you can remove the obstacles that cause suffering and so become more conscious.

Vishrant has been holding Satsangs since 1999. He currently holds meetings and retreats in Perth which are also available online for those seeking who or what they truly are.

Early life

Vishrant was born Vincent William Cooper on the 8th of January 1954. He came from a dysfunctional family and suffered abuse during his childhood and schooling.

Despite the hardship, Vishrant maintained a rebellious spirit and an awareness of energy from a young age.

Vishrant believes these difficulties shaped his orientation toward higher consciousness. Eventually, he came to understand that true rebellion meant going beyond the mind and finding one’s real nature.

Publishing Magnate

At 19, Vishrant began personal development training and encounter groups, which started to transform his life for the better. He diligently removed negative thought patterns like worry and procrastination.

This consciousness shift led him to a career in business, where he built a multi-million-dollar publishing empire. Vishrant had retired by age 28, acquiring luxury cars, boats and properties.

Vishrant later realised his material success failed to bring any lasting happiness. He had climbed the mountain of material success but found nothing there, so began his quest for higher consciousness, heart and enlightenment.

Osho Sannyasin

Vishrant came across Osho Rajneesh by accident in 1983. After attending an Osho group, he felt a strong calling and his search for higher consciousness and enlightenment began.

Vishrant became an Osho sannyasin and spent time with Osho in both Oregon and Pune. He interviewed Osho at Rajneeshpuram in 1985 which changed his life forever.

Vishrant travelled the world attending different mystery schools and actively sought out teachers to help him remove the obstacles in the way of heart and enlightenment. 

Heart Awakening

After a near-death experience being lost at sea and in the water for 18 hours in 1987, Vishrant experienced a heart awakening where he felt unconditional love. He realised that love is the only thing of value in this life, and that all his wealth was not worth anything.

Vishrant decided to give away his multi-million-dollar companies away to his staff, took his shoes off and walked barefoot around Australia for 4 years in search of his heart.

He wanted to be in service so he trained as a naturopath, masseur and psychotherapist to acquire a skillset so he could serve people.

From Satori to Enlightenment

Vishrant studied the teachings of all the old masters, investigating many teachings & philosophies including Buddhism, Taoism, Sufism, Hinduism, Advaita Vedanta and others.

In the late 1990s, in the presence of various travelling Satsang teachers Isaac Shapiro, Gangaji and Vartman, Vishrant started to experience multiple awakenings or satoris.

In May 1999, after a retreat with one of his teachers, his enlightenment stabilised and he has since been existing as Beingness aware of itself ever since.

Serving Truth

Vishrant dedicates his life to helping seekers find the indescribable beauty of Beingness.

Motivated by his love of people, he holds Satsang to support seekers on their path to higher consciousness just as his teachers supported him.

Vishrant points seekers back to themselves, to the awareness is aware of their minds. His function is to shine the light so we may see who we already are beyond any false identities.

Vishrant became what Osho Rajneesh wanted his sannyasins to become: Zorba the Buddha. A new man, an awakened man, who celebrates life; someone who is in the world, but not of the world.

Vishrant continually demonstrates how it is possible to live from the highest truth of our being and be active in the world through his many adventures, some of which you can find on his social media.

Vishrant offers a pragmatic path to higher consciousness. He teaches from his own direct experience as a seeker and draws inspiration from masters such as Osho and Ramana Maharshi.

Vishrant is living proof that anyone can wake up without needing to retreat to a monastery or ashram. The only requirementis the ability to surrender unconditionally.

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  • Produce and promote Vishrant’s teachings worldwide.
  • Offer Satsang and retreat scholarships for those called to spiritual growth but lacking resources.
  • Maintain our facilities as a sanctuary for meditation, higher consciousness and enlightenment.

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