Library > Osho


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Satsang ExcerptsOsho Sannyasin Shiva Energy

How Osho Changed My Life

Vishrant talks to an Osho Sannyasin about the methods Osho used to help set Vishrant free.

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InterviewsOsho Swaha

Osho Never Died – Vishrant and Swaha

Vishrant talks with enlightened Osho disciple Vasant Swaha about their shared love for their master and their mission to share his teachings.

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TeachingsEnlightenment Love Osho

How Can I Repay My Master Osho?

Vishrant talks about how Osho changed his life and showed him true freedom.

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Satsang ExcerptsOsho Sannyasin

Osho Sannyasin Challenges Vishrant on Enlightenment in Live Satsang

A lively exchange between Vishrant and an Osho sannyasin who challenges him on enlightenment in a live Satsang. This is a riveting conversation between a spiritual master and a courageous…

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Osho’s Exclusive Interview with Vishrant in 1985

A pivotal point in Vishrant’s search for enlightenment occurred when he sat down with Osho in this interview on the 5th October 1985 in Sanai Grove, Rajneeshpuram. Watch how Vishrant…

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The one who wants enlightenment can never wake up. Enlightenment does not happen to the ego. It is not real. What we really are is pure awareness. When that awareness becomes aware of itself and stays aware of itself, that is enlightenment.

Vishrant's Quote